2. Inspiring paint styles (see below)
3. Painting video demos--click
4. Simultaneous contrast and under painting---click
To save yourself a lot of time and heartache develop a good procedural painting process. In general if you're painting especially if your painting traditionally you should be moving from:
1.Background to foreground
2.Thin to thick*
3.Dark to light.*
*Step 2 & 3 are linked together: Shadows should remain thin and transparent light area are light and opaque.
4.Warm to cool: Start warmer, its easier to cool warm colors than to warm cool colors. White will serve best to cool your warms as you work towards a finish.
• In a traditional painting Ere on the side of Dark and using less white to avoid a "chalky" painting.
• In a traditional painting Remember to paint FAT OVER LEAN:
----LEAN: Less Oil (Turps, Mediums and non oil based paint).
----FAT: Oil paint and slow drying mediums.
Eyvind Earle
Beautiful painting styles
Here's are several inspiring examples of beautiful painting styles. Mostly ones where the brush wok is fairly overt for easy observation.
Joe Sorren
ZORN----More here
Lovely digital paint approaches. Also notice their skillful use of light and color.
Nurzhan Bekkaliyev
Zeen Chin.
Traditional painters with amazing paint styles:
Cornwell----More here
Leyendecker----More here
Berkey----More here
Schaeffer----More here
Rembrant----More here
Sargent----More here
Ruo Li
Ken Knight
Michael and Inessa Garmash
Various abstract/figurative painters
Zhaoming Wu